Saturday, July 31, 2010

How many tubes does it take to get a transplant?

My life with CF is full of coughing. Cough, cough, cough. Spit, spit, spit. CF people have different mediums to dispose of the nasty mucus that clogs our lungs each and every day. For me, the least disgusting and most economical is rolls of TP. I don't know HOW may rolls i have gone through in my life, but my mom and I thought it would be funny to see how many rolls i collect until i get my transplant. Just to give you an idea, Casey and I must buy a huge thing of TP at costco almost every month because i go through so much!!! So right now, I believe there are 8 rolls i have collected (some were ALMOST empty at the time i was placed on the list) but i have 8 rolls collected thus far... lets see how many it takes!

1 comment:

Leah said...

ha, that's a fun idea.