Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hidden Blessings

It is amazing to see the support that has been pouring in from all of those in my life past and present who have found out about my new adventure. I must say that I am enjoying reconnecting with everyone and getting emails of encouragement provides me with a lot of strength and support. I know with all of these people sending me positive vibes and prayers, and love I can do anything! I also know that my future donor's family will also feel the gratitude we send now, and when the fateful day arrives.

Today I received a message on facebook from a friend from high school. I was so touched because she sent out a message to our high school class, to let them all know what is going on and to encourage them to keep me in their thoughts... how wonderful. That was really touching...Thisby, Thank you for that. It really means a lot to see jestures of thoughtfulness and kindness.

I can feel all the support from all over the world!

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