Friday, August 29, 2008

Holy Moose hunter

So, can we talk about how fabulous Obama's acceptance speech was last night?  AMAZING.  He hit every point perfectly.  I can't help but agree with everything he says.  He is such a great man, with such potential to lead this country to a place where it needs to be.  Towards healing, world peace, energy reform, and regaining the trust and respect of the rest of the world.  Now, can we talk about the VP moose wrangler?  Who the hell is this woman Sarah Palin?  How is she going to come from podunk Alaska to take on the United States of America?  This just shows that John McCain is a complete idiot, to make a split decision like that?  He has met her twice?  How is she going to take care of her special needs downs-syndrome baby while being the VP?  It is a big job, how ridiculous. So, i think this is so stupid.  I hope, no I know, women are not so stupid as to vote for McCain just because he picked a woman VP.  Wow, talk about no experience..... 18 months in office?  comes from the PTA, I know the PTA is a rough and tumble place, but what?  hahaha..... it is just funny that he has made this choice.  Good going john.  My friends, I guess you will just have to vote OBAMA!

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