Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, I have been in the land of politics, loving the drama of it all.  You really can't make this stuff up.  But i must say that I am scared of the alternative to Obama being president, but lets not even go there right now.  

My port is not healing as well as I would have liked.  I have to go in tomorrow and get it looked at.  I might have to have a new stitch put in.  So that will be loads of fun tomorrow, but I will have my charming mom accompany me through it.  I also have to have a follow up CF appointment with the New Docs at stanford.  For those of you reading this who don't know, Stanford CF center has made a gigantic change with a new director, and the development of a real Adult CF Center. However, in this change, my absolutely beloved doctor, Dr. Upadhyay, will no longer be with the CF center, and now I have to have a new doc.  I am pretty annoyed with this, but it is just how it is.  So i have to meet a new doc tomorrow.... a little anxious i must say.  so tomorrow is doctor day. 

I spent the day with my cute sister and her cute boyfriend Lou.  I enjoy my family. My sister leaves on Friday morning.  HOW SAD.  I will miss her, but she will have a great experience out there in London land.  So I am off for now. I will put an update on my port soon.  

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

good luck, baby. hope it's an easy day and your new doc rocks.