Friday, September 5, 2008


This week has been long and filled with many different experiences. I had my doctor appointment with the new head of the CF center...... I was pretty impressed with him. Granted, I was the one who looked at my sputum culture results and determined I should switch antibiotics, but he gave me the respect that I wanted and determined that it would be best to switch up the meds. You see, when we start IV antibiotics, it is always using the sputum culture form the time before, which could be months ago. It takes about 5-7 days for the results to come back, so once you are already in the swing of the meds, you may need to change the meds. I was not seeing the results i usually do with the meds. So it actually made me happy to see my culture and understand why I wasn't getting better as i would like. The bad thing is that I am going to have to do an extended course of IVs, starting 3 weeks from wednesday, instead of 3 weeks from 2 weeks ago :( but oh well, i want to get better. Also, I have to mix this new medicine. It actually adds about 3 1/2 hours to my day. I am now going to be spending 5 1/2 hours infusing and 1/2 hour mixing meds. It is quite a lot of work. So that is basically a full time job, because then you add my 3 treatments per day which is another 1 1/2 hours and you get a full 8 hour day of CF stuff. That is not including making nebulizers and cleaning nebulizers. So I have my work cut out for me.
I also had my appointment with Ken, the port dude, and he fixed my hole. He used some superglue to pull my skin together, and put some steri-strips to keep it all closed up. He said it was about 80% healed. Casey was able to do a nice re-accessing job tonight, where he changes the needle that I have had all week. This port is much easier to find, since you don't have to go sifting through my cleavage. So that is getting better and will be just fine soon.
My mom and sister left today for England and rome and venice. They have to travel for 24 hours because they used frequent flyer miles, and you don't get to have the best options for free flights. But at least it is free! I am going to miss my sister... 3 1/2 months is a long time. So I had to say bye to her yesterday. Sad, but she deserves to go have a great time! Bon Voyage Sissy!
Last night Casey and I went to see the opening night of "Spring Awakening" at the Curran theater in SF. We went with our friend Linda, and some of her friends. It was a good show. The music was fantastic. It was a perfect example why abstinence only education is not a good idea.... It was definately a good musical. I must say though, nothing I have seen compares to RENT, that is my all time favorite show! Tonight we saw Wall-E which i am such a dork and slept through most of. I can't stay awake at the movie theater. I tried, but to no avail. I saw some of it, but my eyes were closed a lot of the time. Stupid. I think i need toothpicks or something to stick in my eyeballs. Anyways, that is what I have been up to.


SaraBooYa said...

Ewww toothpicks in your eyeballs? SISSSYYYYY I MISS YOU ALREADY!!!!! I hope everything is good at home and I love you! Keep me updated on your going ons! KISSSSSESSSSS!!!

Tiffany said...

How about Avenue Q? Ever seen it?
Just curious because it's my favorite musical and I think it is right up your alley!!!!!!!!

XXOO Glad the port is better and bravo for knowing how to run your own healthcare.

Luvs you