Thursday, August 14, 2008

My life as I know it

Hello to those who want to check out my blog. This is my first post, as you can see.... I guess I will talk about what is going on for me now. Many things keep me busy, especially my journey with my CF. The newest is that my wonderful port, which has kept my IVs, as conflict free as possible, has come to its end of life. I am scheduled to get a new one on Friday, August 22. Inorder to do this well, my plan is to go into the hospital on the 21, and begin IV antibiotics after the surgery. So I will be in the nut house for a few days, but I will be able to deal. I just took some me time, which was most needed, and spent time at the pool, all by myself, no one else there. How wonderful. So My day of serenity, will be complimented by a crazy week next week. My goal is to go to the pool each day between now and hospital day, because after the port surgery it will be a while before i want to go back to the pool, and then summer will be over! So I am here, soaking up rays and prepping for what will be an interesting few weeks ahead....


Doug said...

Go for it Anna

Anonymous said...

your attitude always brings tears to me. You are so positive and strong...a wonderful role model. I miss you and would love to introduce you to Ava when you are feeling better.
I love you