Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So what did you do today?

Today started out with an excitement to watch Oprah. Today was the day she had a woman with dissociative identity disorder on the show. I love to hear about fascinating psychological disorders, blame it on the day job... or uh, i mean my potential one day i will have one, day job. Because here in CA Oprah isn't on until 4pm, I had a long day to get through until it was time. So today was about not getting antsy while waiting.... did i learn that lesson? Not today!!!! Mom left to go to physical therapy for her knee, then returning a few minutes later after arriving and being told her appointment was YESTERDAY... so our day got off to a weird start. i was folding laundry, so she helped me. Once that was done I ended up passing out on my face at the foot of my bed, for like 40 minutes. Let me tell you waking up like that while wearing O2 on your face... you have to PEEL the cannula out from the indent on your cheek. WONDERFUL feeling... So now i woke up, and came downstairs to see mom passed out on the couch too. So i computered around.... then she woke up and i think at that point we got some lunch together, and ate stuffed mushrooms and miso soup. It was pretty yummy. The whole time we were talking about how we can't wait to watch Oprah... let me tell you, this day dragged on and on and on!!!!! So then after lunch we walked to the post office to mail some more Banana Bunch shirts, and also healing flags i made to be displayed at the Ronald McDonald house at Stanford next week, when the Dalai Lama comes to visit. so my mom mailed those off while i sat and waited for her, and tried to catch my breath. We walked home, but i had to stop at the park to rest some more. It is weird having lung disease... you gotta keep stopping to breathe. Very inconvenient. So then it was ALMOST Oprah time. We made some tea and i ate a snickers... I have been very hungry today... FINALLY it was Oprah time. Then we watched the fascinating story... we did a treatment, and ate dinner. Dinner time was Desperate housewives time. It was the first episode of the season, on Tivo. After that we waited till Casey got home... and this is when more boredom and chaos ensued. Laying on the couch out of our minds giggling, and yelling about what it is like to just be waiting and waiting. today was a weird day. We finally looked at the clock, hoping it was 830 or so, but it was only 730!!!! We had so much more time to go before treatments.... once Casey came home we finally got to watch GLEE. That was fantastic. Then it was still only 830, so i started my nebs early since i was freakishly not even full from dinner... so we then watched Modern Family. Both very good episodes. It was a great TV day... but honestly our teen angst was more than fantastic TV can heal. So we proceeded to finish up the treatment and mom went home. I just ate dessert, I made a cut up apple with brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, heated so it was like pie. I put some ice cream on it. I had oatmeal cookies and milk too. and I AM STILL NOT FULL. I don't understand this bottomless pit i have. Hopefully tomorrow i will not be so hungry. So now i am playing fetch with Jack. He hustles over and drops a stuffed mouse at my feet, looking at me longingly to throw it for him. He chases it and comes right back, again! Again! He is the cutest when we play this game. Once i am done here, i will Scoop some poop and go to sleep... So what did you do today?


bex said...

i am fascinated with DID!! I have read some awesome books on it:

When Rabbit Howls
The Minds of Billy Milligan

and there are a few others but those are my favorites. if you want good reading, look those up :D

Unknown said...

I watched that Oprah! It WAS good. we must talk. I felt sad for the daughter--how confusing that must be for her.

Hippiekisses said...

I just met you today at the store :) I am Michelle, live in mt view and I BELIEVE you will receive a pair of pink healthy lungs !!!!