Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Greatest Gift

Thank you for all of the wonderful support and well wishes from everyone!

We all appreciate it so much!

As Anna is now very immuno-suppressed she can not receive any flowers or plants.

If you would like to send a card to Anna she would love to receive that from you.

If you would like to send a gift, the greatest gift would be to sign up to be an organ donor at....

And a donation could be made to any of the following charities Anna supports...

United Network for Organ Sharing
Donate Life, California
Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc
Power of Two Movie

Thank you again for all of your love and support!!

1 comment:

Lisa Steiding said...

Can you post her address at Stanford?
Keep up the good work Anna, love the updates. Send love and healing your way and to your donor family.
xoxox Lisa