Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Well, my body never ceases to amaze me. After a day of sickness, I am fine, just fine. No fever for more than 24 hours now. I am actually extremely well infact, my pulmonary function tests are up 4% since I started the Aztreonam (about 8 days ago). I am so excited about this news, I could just pee.... Also, i called the pharmacy about getting more Aztreonam (there is a national shortage right now) and the pharmacist was able to nab some from the hospital and is stashing it for me, so I am going to have almost a month on hold, so i can work with getting the meds as they are released. SO NICE of her to do this for me. Anyways, thank the lord, no hospital. ALSO... my mom was able to reschedule our hair appointments for tomorrow... so I will still get my hair cut!!!! YAY!!!!!!! It is turning out to be a really good week. I haven't had a hopeful appointment like this for a LONG TIME. I think it has been at least 2 years since I have had something happen where i wasn't just maintaining my pulmonary function, but actually gaining. My goal is to keep getting listed for transplant as far away as possible, and this is making it more of a possibility. It also will hopefully let me push my time between IVs to be longer. YAY. Thank you all for caring and supporting me.... it gives me strength.


Anonymous said...

Thats wonderful! Congrads.

Anonymous said...

whoa baby! I came to your blog to check out the new do only to read that you've gotten sick and then well again since I last saw you! So glad you are okay and can't wait to see the new hair cut. It was really great to see you on Sunday, despite the sad circumstances that occured. Thanks for being my friend! MWAH!