Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I tried to help Obama

Today I was motivated enough to make some calls for Obama to Ohio. Well, my good intentions were not rewarded. I called 11 people and only one picked up. She reported to me that she had already voted and did not want to share who she voted for. So my efforts were not too helpful to the campaign. Maybe this weekend I will make some more calls when people are home. At least I can say I did it. I am proud I got the balls to at least try it. My ballot was in the mail today... WOOO HOOOOOO..... vote vote vote, voty vote vote!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You DID help Obama! That's pretty common to make phone calls and not get a great response. But picture that there are hundreds of other Annas out there making calls and if each of you gets just ONE person that really adds up! I know (from LOTS of experience!) that phonebanking does not feel very rewarding, but believe me, it DOES make a difference! keep up the good work Anna!