Saturday, September 13, 2008

To Mac or to PC?

Yesterday I went to look at a couple computers at Costco. I currently have an HP and I like HP. I wish I didn't have to get a new computer because Windows Vista appears to be a problem. I was trying to decide about the possibility of switching to Mac. My sister and my mom have one but My dad and casey and I have a PC, Sara used to have PC but she just recently switched. I must admit I don't really like either option. The Vista was annoying and I know how everyone says how user friendly Macs are, but I just don't like it. It feels backwards to me. Yesterday I decided I was just going to bite the bullet and get HP again, but now I am just not so sure. I went with Casey to the barber shop, where they had lots of boy magazines and i read an article about vista, it is crap. It blue screens, which I didn't want because this computer does that too.... We tried all we could to save my computer but we think it has a hardware problem which isn't going to be fixable (without spending some cash). So I am sitting here with this dilemma of Mac or PC, I just don't know what to do. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to it, BRING IT ON.

Other than that... I am feeling very rested now. I have allowed myself to sleep and rest and this week allowed me to get to a rested place I have not been since before grad school (4 years ago). I seriously haven't felt this rejuvinated in a long time. Hopefully I will be able to use this and get some stuff done, but I like the feeling of not being overscheduled, and overstimulated. I might try to hang on to it for a while. Well, that is all i have to report now. Maybe I will go with my dad to check out some more computers. grrrr... computers can be so frustrating!


Tara said...

Hi Anna,

I'm partial to mac, but that's because we've been a mac household for several years. No virus' here!

If you do decide to go the mac route, let me know! I can get you a discount.

Mags said...

MAC, MAC, MAC...need I say more? Anna, I loved my pc's until they got all of these virus' on me. A guy at school sold me on the mac and I am such a huge fun, its not even funny! You get used to it in a weeks time and it is so much better. I promise you won't regret it! PLEASE GET A MAC...we can then video chat when we are not doing treatments, and you will love the ichat WAY better than AIM. You won't be dissapointed with a mac...just watch the commercials, everything they say is true, and they are funny!

Tiffany said...

You can buy a PC, wipe it and install Windows XP.
Dells actually come with that option already installed for a little extra money.
I am liking my Mac and I don't find it to be that different. The biggest thing is not having a right click, that takes getting used to. But, I don't blame you for not wanting the learning curve.
I say, go with what you want--a PC with the older version of Windows.
XXOO Luvs U!!!