Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well, I have been having some major pain for the past few days. It got so bad on Saturday that I needed to go to the Doctor. Luckily we were able to get an appointment instead of going to the ER. I wasn't able to get an xray, but I got LOTS of IBpreufin. I have been taking vicodin too, which isn't working very well, so today I stopped taking it. Tomorrow I have a Doctors appointment in the CF clinic, so maybe I can get something better for the pain. I am concerned that I can't cough enough to keep my lungs well, and I am concerned i might have to have an early hospital admission due to this injury. We will see what happens tomorrow... keep your fingers crossed for me. I tell you, my life is never drama free.... always something keeping me too busy. I will give an update after my appointment tomorrow....

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