Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hospital time again

Well, I am back in the nut house. i caught a cold and of course it went into my chest. Not that all the stress of loss isn't affecting me too. So I caught it early, and I am in getting started on IVs, so I can be well for xmas. They are being very supportive in here, which is nice. The outside, clinic is the problem these days. i miss my old doc so much. I can't even explain how much I miss her. Oh well... life goes on. Another crazy thing in here is Larry the pharmacist guy... he was nice, and didn't lecture me!!! HE EVEN LEFT MY INSULIN IN MY ROOM. he did point out that it should be in the lock box, 20 feet away, but he just left it bedside, and i didn't even have to ask. It was amazing. I hear that he got a talkin to because he told off an MD. So hahaha.... that is great. The big bummer is that my port isn't drawing blood, which means i have to get stuck. POO. but oh well. they want to try it again, but i think i don't want to... i dont' want to take the tape off and risk ripping my skin right in the beginning. We will see, one blood draw isn't too horrible. Ok, time to treatment....

Monday, December 15, 2008

The good and the bad

I am so happy that my sister comes home to America tonight! It has been 3 1/2 months since she left.... what a great trip she has had, to experience University in the United Kingdom. She is so lucky to have the ability to go see places so easily. I am happy she gets to share her stories and pictures with me, so i can live vicariously through her. It will be great to have her back for Christmas. On the other hand my Tutu passed away yesterday, and this is sad for our family. She will be burried quickly, as jewish law suggests. However, after the first of the year we will have a memorial and Sara and I will be able to attend. It is hard, but I am glad she didn't have to suffer for too long. I will miss her spunky attitude, and opinionated expressions. she was a loving grandma, and I have many good memories with her... I will love her always....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Feeling sad

My mom called me today and told me that my grandma, TUTU, has started to decline from her cancer very quickly. We knew she didn't have much time left, and she entered into hospice right before thanksgiving, but now it is going to be very fast it looks like. I got to Skype with her this past weekend, which was nice to see her. I showed her all around my condo with the webcam. Milton and Jack both said hello. I am very sad to see this actually happen. We all know it will happen to everyone eventually but it never makes it any less sad. She was such a vibrant person. The crazy Grandma I would call her. She wasn't your cookie bakin granny, oh no, not Tutu. She was a leather wearing, hip, clogging, sports loving, champion athlete, spicy grandma. It was so hard for her to become older and sick with luekimia, she didn't want to let the cancer get the best of her. She worked out at the gym as long as she could... It isn't a good life for her if she cant be active and play golf and go lift weights. So it is better if it happens quickly, but it is still so sad. I feel so sad for my Dad. I love him, and it is hard to watch him go through all of this. I have watched him the last few months, and how hard it is on him. Life is hard. That is a fact. It is especially hard during the holly jolly holiday times.... just puts EVERTHING into perspective.... I know my dad reads this, so I hope that you know how much I love you and how much I love Tutu. I will be here for you, I love you so much.....For everyone else reading this please send Tutu (Hawaiian for grandma) peaceful thoughts...... thank you.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Vicodin is my friend

So after my appointment I was put on A LOT of vicodin. I am on 2 pills, 4 times a day. It has been doing wonders, and I can do treatments and cough with very mininal pain. Today I only took 2 doses! i think it is getting better... YAY. The bad thing is that I can't drive, and I sleep ALOT! But it is a small price to pay to not have the pain I was suffering through.... I had a great day today.. my WONDERFUL friend Linda came over for the second week in a row to work on her OBAMA scrap book. She went to Missouri to help campaign for Obama, and she took pictures and wanted to make a book, so I offered to help. Not that I am a pro, but I have made a few in my day and I wanted to let her use all the tools I have collected over the years.... so we have been having a blast doing it together. I think our final count today was 12 pages completed. We had a couple minor disasters, but nothing we couldn't fix. We also ventured into the world of the Duggars (a Reality TV family who have 18 children) and we did some interesting reasearch about their oldest child who just got married. He and his wife Anna never kissed or hugged or anything else for that matter before their wedding day. Anyways, now they are married... and probably planning at least 18 children of their own... anyways, Linda and I are facinated by it and we had fun researching. We had fun.... She is a great friend. I thought I would also update a picture of Jack the foster kitty... he is growing and still just as cute. He is a love bug and getting along pretty well with Mr. Milton kitty.... so here are some pictures of the cute boys I get to love each day....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Well, I have been having some major pain for the past few days. It got so bad on Saturday that I needed to go to the Doctor. Luckily we were able to get an appointment instead of going to the ER. I wasn't able to get an xray, but I got LOTS of IBpreufin. I have been taking vicodin too, which isn't working very well, so today I stopped taking it. Tomorrow I have a Doctors appointment in the CF clinic, so maybe I can get something better for the pain. I am concerned that I can't cough enough to keep my lungs well, and I am concerned i might have to have an early hospital admission due to this injury. We will see what happens tomorrow... keep your fingers crossed for me. I tell you, my life is never drama free.... always something keeping me too busy. I will give an update after my appointment tomorrow....