Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mr. Obama, MY president and YOURS

HOLLLLAAAAAAA! I am so excited. I am so proud to be an American. He gave an amazing speech, as always. All i can say is change is a comin!!!!!! I must give credit to John McCain for his concession speech. He was gracious and emotional and real, where was that John McCain during the election? Well, I am glad he wasn't there because we NEEDED to win!

I must say though that I am very disappointed in what I am seeing about prop 8. I can't believe that this bigoted proposition could possibly pass in California. I will be completely disgusted if it is passed. I was looking at exit polls and it might be very very close, I am praying (which I don't even believe in) with all my heart that it doesn't pass.

I am so glad that a beautiful man, inside and out will be the leader of our great country. I am so proud to be an American!

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