Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Woah baby!

well, it has been an interesting few days.....  It all started Thursday night, I felt a tinge of pain in my belly, thought it was gas, and let it go.  It was still there friday, and I just kinda ignored it (probably a bad idea). Then friday night it got way worse.  I barely slept and we ended up going to the ER at 8am.  Casey took me in writhing pain along with a little vomitting.  Once the puking started, i knew we had to get to the hospital.  So we ended up in the ER and they took pictures of my belly, and we tried to get a hold of the CF docs... it was not an easy task.  CF patients often get bowel obstructions because of the thicker mucus and the inablility to digest food as others do.  Well, we were in a room and i got blood work and they started an IV with fluids.  I don't remember a whole lot else, since I was in so much pain and eventually they gave me morphine.  But I did a CT scan and my appendix was large so they came in wanting to possibly take it out.  The surgon came in and checked me out and realized that it was not my appendix, but they wanted to be sure.  FINALLY the CF Nurse practicioner was called at about 4 and I was moved to our CF floor at about 6pm, when I started taking the golytely.  I was in so much pain that putting in another gallon of liquid was horrendous.  I would drink and puke and this lasted for many hours.  I didn't end up going to the bathroom until 6am the next day.  FINALLY I started to move things around.  We thought that the movement meant that it was resolved, and i was allowed to go home after i kept food down and was able to walk the halls.... I came home and continued evacuating the system. This continued through Monday, and it got a whole lot worse on Monday night and I began to become bloated again, we almost went back INTO the hospital, but avoided it because there were no beds and I refused to do the ER again.  SO today I had an appointment to get an xray and be examened, they said i was still full of shit on the right side, and i had to do golytely again, but thankfully i was able to do it at home.  So here i sit, hopefully without any shit left in me, and i just ate some food, and i feel ok.  I am tentative, but i think things might be turning around.  I gotta go back for another xray on Thursday or Friday.  I am hoping I can get a good night sleep tonight.  I have barely slept in days.  the pain and the pooping and the lack of sleep and lack of eating is making me so weak.  So my goal is to sleep sleep sleep tonight.  I think it might be possible.  Wish me luck.  That is my exciting experience.  Sorry for being so graffic.  And also don't worry, during the whole event i found ways to make jokes and make light of the situation, but it was one seriously Mo-fo.  

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