Saturday, December 31, 2016

Flying to Melbourne

I'm 6.5 hours into the flight - have 3:45 left to go. I am wiping away the tears of yesterday and looking into the smiles of tomorrow. I am looking forward to reconnecting with friends, meeting new, exploring, swimming, coffee drinking , eating, trying a new gym - having fun, trying a new transplant center, and just overall learning more about myself as a 35 year old woman. I am free to be me. I am free to take steps into an independence. I have been struggling at home. Feeling trapped and like a bird in a cage. This Lark is spreading her wings. This adventure is a walkabout - a learning experience - hopefully full of life, love, friendship. laughter, health,  triumph, failure, loneliness, growth, expansion, and discovery. But whatever else life has in store is ok - I am up for the adventure. I am up for the life experiences. I want to surround myself with positivity and strength. I want to believe I can do this, I can do anything. Everyday I will be grateful for whatever experience comes forth - good or bad. Without pain we don't have the growth or realization of how sweet happiness truly is. Now my biggest challenge is to not buy too many things over this time- hahaa! As I left Hawaii on Dec 30, 2016  I crossed the interenational dateline and will be landing on Dec 31,2016. It is New Years Eve when I land. I am excited to bring in the new year with this brand new adventure - I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year - and my resolution for 2017 is to explore and follow my heart ❤️ 

1 comment:

LizaMD said...

I just realized that the bookmark I put on your blog does not show me the latest entry! Here I was thinking you hadn't blogged since the first one that said you had 10 days to go. I know you've been in country for a few days now and your pictures have been wonderful! What a brave, fun, and adventurous journey you are on, I look forward to reading all about it. You are an inspiration!