Monday, May 2, 2011

The Day I Have Been Waiting For...

Today was the day I have been talking about since before my transplant. The day i couldn't wait to come. The day that would show me the miracle that is transplant. I went for a real swim. I was joined by my wonderful friend Isa. I was so thankful that she could join me as i got to describe how each stroke felt, and how amazing it was to be in the water again. I think also having a friend helps you push yourself more as well.

I got in the water for the first time and it was WARM! thank goodness. I am a bit chicken when it comes to temperature. My first underwater breath was surreal. It was so easy. I was amazed how my body just remembered how to be in the water. I have not tried swimming laps for years, and i had not even been in a pool for about 2 years, since i was on Oxygen. So needless to say this was a long awaited moment. I had been talking about it with Steve, my transplant buddy all through rehab. We fantasized about swimming on the same relay team in the transplant Olympics, so there was a lot of buildup to this moment.

I tried all the strokes. Freestyle, was as easy as i remember. Breaststroke, i still suck at. Backstroke was relaxing, and FLY i remembered how. The most amazing thing was that i used to count breaths between strokes, and i could only go for 3 strokes in freestyle, and i noticed i was continuing past 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... I gotta remember i need more air! I just had so much in my lungs, and it all came out! Then when i did butterfly i wasn't try to desperately take a breath every stroke. My entire strategy is going to change, as i develop my stroke with my new breath. I felt invigorated by the swim. It was so great to be out of breath and take big deep breaths in my new lungs. I knew when i was up around 30 laps that i needed to stop swimming as i didn't want to hurt myself by doing too much too fast. It was so great to feel that i needed to stop myself, instead of being so exhausted that i had to drag myself out of the pool.

I just had to share with all of you out there about this day. It was momentous. I am so glad that i got to share it with such a close friend. I am up for any others who want to come swim with me!!!

I must say that now i have the confidence i need to be able to jump in the ocean to learn how to surf on Saturday at the CF surf day, courtesy of Mauli Ola foundation.


Leah said...


Sherri said...

Keep on channeling your inner fish, just don't forget to use those look great!

Tara said...

I am just completely amazed that you talk about exercising and now swimming and you're not exhausted afterward. It totally boggles my mind! I'm so happy for you and it gives me something to look forward to.

BreathinSteven said...

Hey You... I had tears in my eyes well before I got to the end of your post. I can remember every feeling you felt, especially the TOTAL AMAZEMENT!!! That's so wonderful that Isa was there to share this with you...

I'm so proud of you, and happy for you... I was so hoping that this would be the result when you started this journey... You take care. Say hey to your Mom!

Love, Steve
(another Steve, not the Steve in this post...)

Molliee said...

Thanks for sharing Anna! Have fun on Saturday surfing! I want to see pics:)xoxo

bex said...

ahhh I remember many happy days at the pool with you when we were kids. Glad you are fueling your passion. Triathlon soon? :D