I have completed my course of pulmonary rehabilitation (even doing an extra 2 days worth) and am now launched into the world. I feel that this ending is a ceremonial completion of my "recovery" from the transplant. I know that technically i am probably still recovering, and i will tell you that when you talk to me, because i like to take naps, because i am recovering :) Well, I like to take naps no matter what. I am a sleepy kind of person, even on all this prednisone. I thought maybe that would change, and i would be a different person with this transplant, but nope, some things are still the same.
Anyways... It is bitter sweet to end rehab. I no longer feel like i get to go to a place with like-lunged people. Throughout this experience i feel like i have joined a new community. I love to be part of a community. I have gotten to make friendships with a whole new crew of people, both patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. Now that I am not coming to clinic but once a month, and now no more rehab, i am not having my daily or weekly visits with my new buddies. I know that sounds kinda strange, but the support of seeing others who have been through, are going through, or are going to go through the same experience really helps the process of getting through such a tough experience. Therefore, it is really bitter sweet in that I am so thrilled that I am at this place of recovery, but sad that I won't have my weekly meetings of the lungs.
On another note, when i do go in for blood work in the hospital, I end up running into people i know, so i guess that will suffice. I sure go in for blood work enough... twice this week, checking prograf levels. blah.
I got word from my nurse and my prograf is back to normal, from being super high, which raised my createnin, which also has come most of the way back down. Still dealing with coumadin, which is back to where it should be as well... So going into this week like a rock star ;)
Now that i am "launched" I have to maintain this fitness, even getting stronger and stronger all by myself. This will be the biggest challenge for myself. As many of you know, i have never been a big exerciser. So i must gather the strength, confidence, and will to get my ass to the gym. First I must join the gym, which I will be working on this coming week. If anyone wants to be a workout buddy, i would LOVE it. Most people work when i would want to exercise. There is a group of awesome transplantees who work out at the Stanford track once a week, and I hope to be joining them at some point soon... That will be an awesome new experience to keep me motivated and give me some support. My other goal is to do the " bike for breath" ride this year in July... I think it is a 10 mile ride ( for us not so experienced riders) and like up to 50 miles for those who want to be more pro. If anyone wants to join and ride as the banana bunch, please let me know. It would be a great way to celebrate!
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